Friday, November 21, 2014

Fifth generation of computer (Coming Generation)

Fifth generation of computer (Coming Generation)

These computer are incomplete. Researcher are going on the development of these computers. These will have been developed that will able to converse with people and able to mimic human sense, manual skills, and intelligence. For this, the concept of Artificial Intelligence is being used. Researcher are planning to produce bio-chip that are to be used i fifth generation of computers.
Many projects has been started in the world for the 5th generation computers. They are:-
  • The ICOT program in japan
  • DARPA project in USA Defense Advanced research Project Agency
  • MCC project in USA Microelectronic  and Computer technology Corporation
Features of the fifth  generation computers will be;

  • Intelligence Knowledge Based System (IKBS) are the central element of fifth generation compuuters.
  • These will be used superconductor technology with little or no resistance greatly improving the speed of information flow.
  • These machine will incorporate Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI)
  • These are aimed to able to solve highely comples problem, which requie great intelligence and expertise whwn solved by people.

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