Sunday, November 23, 2014

What Do You Mean By Computer Network?

What Do You Mean By Computer Network? 

A computer network is the collection of the computer Hardware and Software that enables a group of computer to communicate with each other, and let network users share resources. Each computer on the network is sometimes called nodes.
Shared resources can be like data, folders where a different types of files, or a mail message, software application or hardware, like printers, scanners or modems. Most organization use network because it make easy to share all these valuable resources. Computer network are everywhere from a simple, two-PC home setup to the vast resources of the internet. But any computer network includes certain basic components, weather you are running a window operating system or some other kind of software.

Some Common Network Component
Component              Definition

Server:                      Any computer that makes resources available to other computers on the network.
                                  Server computer runs network server OS

Client :                      Any computer that use the resources of the server. Client computer run network
                                  client  software.

Resources:                The data, application, and hardware provided by the network server for use by
                                   network clients.

Network Adapter:     A special adapter card that can enable two computers to send the data out over
                                   the network media.

Media:                      The phycical mean of communication between network computers. The
                                   network medium is a specialized cable. Other media include
                                   radio signal,telecommunication lines and infrared transmission.

Network Protocol:     A specialized electronic language that enables network computers to communicate.

Network Topology:    The physical layout of the network. This often includes specification for the types                                          of media, adapters, and protocol the network can use

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